
Posted on January 6, 2023

React.js - What are the pros and cons?

React 18 (also known as React.js) is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

Some pros of using React include:

  • A large and active community, which means there are many resources available for learning and troubleshooting
  • A component-based architecture, which can make it easier to build and maintain large-scale applications
  • Virtual DOM, which improves the performance of updates by only re-rendering the components that have actually changed
  • React Native, a framework that allows developers to use React to build native mobile apps for iOS and Android

Some cons of using React include:

  • A relatively steep learning curve, as it requires a solid understanding of JavaScript and web development concepts
  • The need for additional libraries or frameworks to handle certain functionality, such as routing and state management.
  • The frequent updates to the React framework which can make it hard to maintain the codebase.

It's worth noting that React 18 is not a version of React, React 18 is a codename for React version 17, the current version of React is React 17.0.0

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