Weather Wardrobe Application

Posted on January 1, 2023

Weather Wardrobe Application

Ever been caught in the rain while wearing suede shoes? I have.. many times. This inspired to write a simple cloud application that would send me wardrobe suggestions based on the weather for that day.

Step One: Gather Weather Data

module.exports =  async  function  (context, req)  {
	const axios = require('axios');
	const  OPEN_WEATHER_KEY  = process.env.OPEN_WEATHER_KEY;
	const  USER_ZIP  =;
	const locationDetails =  await axios.get(`${USER_ZIP}&appid=${OPEN_WEATHER_KEY}`)
	const lat =;
	const lon =;
	const weatherDetails =  await axios.get(`${lat}&lon=${lon}&units=imperial&appid=${OPEN_WEATHER_KEY}`);
	context.res =  {

Step Two: Select Outfits from the Model

const chooseRandomOutfitBasedOnDetails =  (outfitSelections, gender)  =>  {
	let returnString =  "";
	const isMale = gender === Male;
	const casual = isMale ? outfitSelections["Men"].Casual : outfitSelections["Women"].Casual;
	const formal = isMale ? outfitSelections["Men"].Formal: outfitSelections["Women"].Formal;
	returnString +=  `Casual: ${casual[generateRandom(casual.length -  1)]}\n\n`;
	returnString +=  `Formal: ${formal[generateRandom(formal.length -  1)]}\n\n`;
	return returnString;

Step Three: Send Selections by SMS

await twilioClient.messages.create({
	to:  "#",
	from:  "#"
	},  function  (error, message)  {
		if  (!error)  {
			console.log('Success! The SID for this SMS message is:');
		}  else  {
			console.log('Oops! There was an error.');

All of this was done using Microsoft Azure, Node.js and the Twilio API!

Thanks for reading!